Question 1 Psychology defines behavior as the reactions shown by an organism to the external environment. Behaviors include activities such as; walking, talking, crying, and eating, among others. Behaviorism, also refer as behavioral psychology suggests that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning (Comer & Gould, 2011). An organism encounters conditioning by interacting with the environment. Behavioral psychology focuses on studying the alteration of individuals’ behaviors under different environments. Techniques applied in the study include; behavioral modeling, classical and operant conditioning, and cognitive restructuring. There are eight types of behaviors; rational and irrational behavior, conscious and unconscious behavior, voluntary and involuntary behavior, and lastly overt and covert behavior. On the other hand, mental processes refer to an individual's thoughts and feelings that cannot be observed directly. How an individual understands something or visually perceives another are examples of mental processes. Other examples of mental functions include; memory, thinking, emotion, and volition. Sometimes, the term mental processes and cognitive functions are used interchangeably. Question 2 Structuralism, also known as structural psychology is a consciousness theory that was developed by Wilhelm Wundt and his student Edward Titchner. The theory attempts to analyze a human's mind through feelings, emotions, and introspection. Structuralism helped develop the first psychology school. However, structuralism barely lasted long after Titchener died. Functionalism was greatly influenced by the works of William James and Charles Darwin. While structuralism focused on consciousness and studying the human mind through introspection, functionalism focused on consciousness and behavior; in that it studies the functions and the role of the human....
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