Week 10, Both questions should be a total of 500 words combined From Chapter 5: Nonmaleficence (Beauchamp & Childress): For this question, please answer the following: (a) Outline the conditions that "justify decisions by patients, surrogates, or health care professionals to withhold or withdraw treatment." (120-122); (b) Highlight the nine conditions under which Beauchamp and Childress believe that physician assistance in dying (i.e., physician assisted suicide) is justified; and (c) Do you think that physician assistance in dying is morally permissible even under Beauchamp & Childress' nine conditions? Why or why not? Please explain. From Chapter 5: The Rule of Double Effect (Curlin & Tollefsen) (97-109): Please explain how the rule of double effect would seem to support aborting ectopic pregnancies but not seem to support physician assisted suicide.
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