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View the Movie “Just Mercy” on YouTube and complete Essay of 3-5 pages

  View the Movie “Just Mercy” on YouTube and complete Essay of 3-5 pages   Short Essay Assignment on “Just Mercy” Please write me an essay (no longer than five pages) on the above movie.  Make sure you answer the following questions:   Do you feel differently about our criminal justice system after watching the movie?   Do you agree with Stevenson’s lament that “wealth, not culpability, shapes outcomes” in our justice system?   Do you agree with Stevenson that the character of a nation is determined by how it treats the broken, the poor, the oppressed?  Is this realistic?   Why did the author of this book (and the movie) title it “Just Mercy”.  What did the title mean to you before you watched the movie and what did it mean to you after you watched it?      

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