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Medication Reconciliation Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help pre-nursing students apply the concept of medication reconciliation to a client scenario.  This activity is designed to help the pre-nursing student develop clinical reasoning skills and develop safe medication practices that relate to the process of medication reconciliation. Remember from the lecture that a complete medication reconciliation can save the lives of your future clients.   Objectives:  Explain the process of medication reconciliation  Identify best-practices for medication reconciliation Apply the concept of medication reconciliation to the client scenario Explain how to identify and reconcile medication discrepancies Identify who should be involved in the medication reconciliation process  Conduct medication reconciliation by using the client scenario provided on the assignment document (located here: Medication Reconciliation Assignment Spring 2023 AO.docx) and your Davis Drug Guide for Nurses. Be sure to include the following in your final submission: Question 1. Explain and describe the five steps of the medication reconciliation process. Question 2. Analyze the client scenario for the following: Omission(s) (medications that are not continued from the home medication list): List omission(s) and explain why the medication(s) were removed. Additions (new medications): List additions and provide a rationale as to why the medications were added. Duplications (multiple medications, either the same drug or the same pharmacological classification): List the duplications and explain potential harms that can occu

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