[i], while Los Rayos has a turnover rate of 21%. New graduate nurses turnover at a rate of 27% within their first year, with an additional 37% of those new nurses wanting to leave.[ii] At Los Rayos, new nurse turnover is 40%. The hospital spends an average of 13 weeks[iii] to fill a vacant position and thousands of dollars per hire.[iv] Turnover often leaves units understaffed which creates poor patient experiences and lower quality of care.
Why are the nurses leaving? Los Rayos strives to provide the highest quality in patient care, but it also has to manage costs and comply with government regulations. Thus over the last 10 years Los Rayos has made a number of changes. A summary of those changes are outlined below.
The Leader’s Toolkit 1: Case Studies Job Attitudes: A Crisis in Nursing Los Rayos del Sol Medical Center is hospital and surgery center located in Florida.* A facility with 500 beds, it has recently partnered with the Mayo Clinic. Los Rayos's is experiencing high turnover. The nurse average turnover rate is 14% for hospitals[i], while Los Rayos has a turnover rate of 21%. New graduate nurses turnover at a rate of 27% within their first year, with an additional 37% of those new nurses wanting to leave.[ii] At Los Rayos, new nurse turnover is 40%. The hospital spends an average of 13 weeks[iii] to fill a vacant position and thousands of dollars per hire.[iv] Turnover often leaves units understaffed which creates poor patient experiences and lower quality of care. Why are the nurses leaving? Los Rayos strives to provide the highest quality in patient care, but it also has to manage costs and comply with government regulations. Thus over the last 10 years Los Rayos has made a number of changes. A summary of those changes are outlined below. Ten years ago, Los Rayos changed the staffing model. All units had 2 licensed nurses and a housekeeper. Housekeepers were minimum wage staff that helped the nurses do things like wash linens and stock the nurses' station with basics. These tasks can take a lot of time away from the normal nurses' job duties of doing rounds, requir
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