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Title De Power Point : " Assessment Of The Abdomen "

The assignment is to make a Power Point which the title is: "Assessment of the Abdomen". This Power point should have 20 slides and I want it to have photos and the content. The Power Point must expose the steps in order of the abdomen assessment, the definition of each one of these steps, photos of how each one is performed. The slides may also include examples of pathological findings in each of the assessment steps. It is known that the abdomen is divided into nine quadrants. Therefore, I would like to expose the most frequent diseases located in each one of the nine quadrants. For example: If I am examining a patient with pain in the right hypochondrium (upper right quadrant) what pathologies or diseases can we suspect with the pain located in that area? Also I want to include photos and definition of the following pathologies: Cirrhosis, Bulge, Ascites, Abdominal Hernia, and Mc Burney's Point.

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