World Values Survey.
  • Read this overview of best practices in survey design.
  • Find at least 5 questions from the survey that you believe display best practices, and share those with the class.
  • Find at least 3 questions from the survey that you believe have value in public safety.
  • "> Survey research is still one of the most common ways to collect data in the public safety system. In this discussion, you will explore the World Values Survey (WVS). Specifically, you will discuss the range of questions asked on the WVS, explore how and why questions are worded in specific ways, and find questions that have value in public safety. The specific steps are as follows: Review the World Values Survey. Read this overview of best practices in survey design. Find at least 5 questions from the survey that you believe display best practices, and share those with the class. Explain why these questions reflect best practices. Find at least 3 questions from the survey that you believe have value in public safety. Explain why you believe these questions have value.
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    Survey research is still one of the most common ways to collect data in the public safety system. In this discussion, you will explore the World Values Survey (WVS). Specifically, you will discuss the range of questions asked on the WVS, explore how and why questions are worded in specific ways, and find questions that have value in public safety. The specific steps are as follows: Review the World Values Survey. Read this overview of best practices in survey design. Find at least 5 questions from the survey that you believe display best practices, and share those with the class. Explain why these questions reflect best practices. Find at least 3 questions from the survey that you believe have value in public safety. Explain why you believe these questions have value.

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