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"> Please give an example of how the photographs/images you see in public affect your decision-making. This can be an image/photograph you see in a TV commercial, social media, a magazine advertisement, a billboard, an ad on a bus, an image on the news, etc. Part 1: Answer this question: How do you know this(es) photograph(s) influenced your decision making? Please include a visual example. You may include your visual example by attaching a link or embedding Download embeddingan image here (14pts).
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Please give an example of how the photographs/images you see in public affect your decision-making. This can be an image/photograph you see in a TV commercial, social media, a magazine advertisement, a billboard, an ad on a bus, an image on the news, etc. Part 1: Answer this question: How do you know this(es) photograph(s) influenced your decision making? Please include a visual example. You may include your visual example by attaching a link or embedding Download embeddingan image here (14pts).

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