Community HealthSim from the CDC’s VetoViolence website. 

Explore each of the 4 avenues to prevent and mitigate violence in the community:

Write a minimum of 500 words explaining where you chose to put your tokens and why.

"> Play the Community HealthSim from the CDC’s VetoViolence website.  Explore each of the 4 avenues to prevent and mitigate violence in the community: Business  Education  Public safety  Health  Write a minimum of 500 words explaining where you chose to put your tokens and why.
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Play the Community HealthSim from the CDC’s VetoViolence website.  Explore each of the 4 avenues to prevent and mitigate violence in the community: Business  Education  Public safety  Health  Write a minimum of 500 words explaining where you chose to put your tokens and why.

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