Module Three template Word Document to show the roles and responsibilities of allied professionals in the criminal court system.

Guidelines for Submission

This assignment must be completed using the Module Three Practice Activity Template. Any references should

"> Overview The criminal court system is supported by many professionals with varying roles and responsibilities. In this practice activity, you will identify specific roles and describe their responsibilities. You may draw on the information from your required readings or do additional research on the criminal court system. Prompt Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed: Complete the Module Three template Word Document to show the roles and responsibilities of allied professionals in the criminal court system. Include at least four roles. Include at least three responsibilities for each role. Guidelines for Submission This assignment must be completed using the Module Three Practice Activity Template. Any references should
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3-1 Practice Activity: Roles Of Allied Professionals

Overview The criminal court system is supported by many professionals with varying roles and responsibilities. In this practice activity, you will identify specific roles and describe their responsibilities. You may draw on the information from your required readings or do additional research on the criminal court system. Prompt Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed: Complete the Module Three template Word Document to show the roles and responsibilities of allied professionals in the criminal court system. Include at least four roles. Include at least three responsibilities for each role. Guidelines for Submission This assignment must be completed using the Module Three Practice Activity Template. Any references should

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