Chapter 65: "The Changing Nature of 'News'” and considering the concepts of timeliness, proximity, oddity, prominence, impact, conflict, and human interest, provide a current example of a compelling news story. Answer the following questions or prompts:

A) Why is it compelling? Which of the concepts does it exemplify?

B) In general, how have these concepts been challenged by the advent of immediacy in a news release?  

"> Instructions After studying the assigned reading 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, Chapter 65: "The Changing Nature of 'News'” and considering the concepts of timeliness, proximity, oddity, prominence, impact, conflict, and human interest, provide a current example of a compelling news story. Answer the following questions or prompts: A) Why is it compelling? Which of the concepts does it exemplify? B) In general, how have these concepts been challenged by the advent of immediacy in a news release?  
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Instructions After studying the assigned reading 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, Chapter 65: "The Changing Nature of 'News'” and considering the concepts of timeliness, proximity, oddity, prominence, impact, conflict, and human interest, provide a current example of a compelling news story. Answer the following questions or prompts: A) Why is it compelling? Which of the concepts does it exemplify? B) In general, how have these concepts been challenged by the advent of immediacy in a news release?  

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