Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act website is a great source of information on such topics as minimum wage, child-labor, nonexempt and exempt employees, overtime, independent contractors, garnishment laws, equal pay, and others.

"> Analyze the legal constraints on pay systems and recommend that the government either repeals one law or adds one new law—of your design—that improves current pay systems or addresses gaps. Explain your rationale for legislative changes. Be creative, but make sure your recommendations are applicable. The Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act website is a great source of information on such topics as minimum wage, child-labor, nonexempt and exempt employees, overtime, independent contractors, garnishment laws, equal pay, and others.
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Legal constraints on pay systems

Analyze the legal constraints on pay systems and recommend that the government either repeals one law or adds one new law—of your design—that improves current pay systems or addresses gaps. Explain your rationale for legislative changes. Be creative, but make sure your recommendations are applicable. The Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act website is a great source of information on such topics as minimum wage, child-labor, nonexempt and exempt employees, overtime, independent contractors, garnishment laws, equal pay, and others.

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