Interruptions can cause big problems with your ability to accomplish tasks effectively and on time. Regardless of how focused you may be, there will always be interruptions to your work. In this discussion, you'll need to identify some of the unplanned events or tasks that might interrupt your schedule. If you haven't experienced many scheduling interruptions, consider how you might if you were balancing family, work, school, and recreation at the same time.
Write at least 5-7 academic sentences (one paragraph) for each question.
For your initial post, address the following:
2-1 Discussion: Identifying Scheduling Interruptions Previous Next Interruptions can cause big problems with your ability to accomplish tasks effectively and on time. Regardless of how focused you may be, there will always be interruptions to your work. In this discussion, you'll need to identify some of the unplanned events or tasks that might interrupt your schedule. If you haven't experienced many scheduling interruptions, consider how you might if you were balancing family, work, school, and recreation at the same time. Write at least 5-7 academic sentences (one paragraph) for each question. For your initial post, address the following: Identify what has, usually does, or can interrupt your schedule. Identify which of these interruptions you can prevent and which ones you can't. Discuss how these interruptions have impacted your ability to accomplish tasks successfully. Consider how you've adjusted your schedule to deal with these interruptions.
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