
Criminal Justice

Focusing on specialized and violent crimes, select a category of interest from the readings and critically review the investigative process and requir...

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  The focus of this week is on ethnicity.  It is a social construct and often part of an individual's identity.  Ethnicity inclu...

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 Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), met...

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The Glycocalyx Importance

The glycocalyx is found in bacteria and human cells. Discuss its importance and role in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ...

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Gender Identity

Gender identity has become an increasingly important topic in American society. But what is gender? And more particularly, what is the relationship be...

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Unemployment And Inflation

Worksheet 3- Unemployment and Inflation                  &nb...

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Literature Review: Aggressive Children And Their Family Background

Practice using an online computer database to search for the literature on Bullying. Conduct several searches until you find an article that is as clo...

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Nursing Process Project: Implementation/Take Action

The implementation stage of the process is where you, as a nurse, apply action to your client’s care. As a reminder, an overview of the Nursi...

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